Privacy Notice 


We are Archery Pictures Limited (a company registered in England and Wales under company number 09203926) (Archery Pictures, we, us or our). 

At Archery Pictures we take privacy very seriously. We have prepared this privacy notice (Privacy Notice) to ensure that we communicate to you, in the clearest way possible, how we use your personal data.   

Your personal data is any information related to you.  

This policy sets out how we look after your personal data if you are:  

  • a visitor to this Archery Pictures website;  

  • a supplier or other business contact of Archery Pictures; or 

  • an applicant to a job at Archery Pictures. 

This Privacy Notice also describes how personal data may be disclosed by us, tells you what rights you have in respect of your personal data and how to contact us.  

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.  

We may update this notice from time to time, and you can find our latest version on our website or by asking us for a copy. 

The personal data we use and how we receive it 

The personal data Archery Pictures may collect, store and use will vary in nature depending on the basis of Archery Pictures’ relationship with you (e.g. a business contact or potential employer) and the purpose for which Archery Pictures uses such data.  

For the most part, we process information that you have provided to us directly. For example, if you:  

  • contact us with a query;  

  • input any information into forms on our website;  

  • interact with us to express an interest for work or to make an application to work at Archery Pictures (including by submitting a CV); or 

  • interact with us in the course of our business dealings with each other.   

Sometimes we receive information about you from other sources: 

  • [If you are a website visitor: our website makes use of cookies, which collect device and usage data when you browse our site. You can find further information in the section below on ‘cookies’].  

  • If you are a job applicant: We may receive information about your experience and suitability for a role with us from recruitment agents, your previous employers (such as references) and from social media sites (such as your LinkedIn bio). 

  • If you are a supplier or other business contact: We may receive contact details and information about your experience from your employer, company website or professional networks such as LinkedIn.  

Our lawful basis for processing this personal data is set out in the table below.  

Where we indicate in this Privacy Notice that we process your personal data because it is necessary to perform a contract that we have with you or for compliance with legal obligations, if you provide us with incorrect information or if you do not provide the information we request at all, we may not be able to enter into or perform our obligations to you under that contract or this could lead to a delay in us performing those obligations. 

Why we use your personal data  


Sensitive personal data  

We may sometimes collect sensitive information from you (such as information about your health, religious or philosophical views, ethnicity, race, sexuality and trade union membership), which at law is called “special categories of personal data”, as set out below: 

  • We will request that you provide any relevant health data if it is necessary for us to facilitate any interviews (where you are a job applicant); or to provide any necessary adjustments which may be required in our interactions with you.  

  • We may request information for diversity and equality purposes, but this will be optional and anonymised.   

We only use special categories of personal data where one of the following conditions applies: 

  • you have provided your explicit consent; 

  • you have made the information public (for example in interviews you have given or social media posts); 

  • it is necessary to comply with employment related requirements; or 

  • it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest (such as for monitoring equality of opportunity or treatment). 

How we share your personal data 

We may share your personal data with the following third parties: 

  • Service providers (processors): who will only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions and this Privacy Notice. For example, IT providers that support our business and developers which help us run our website.  

  • Professional advisors so that we can obtain advice. 

  • Government entities and regulatory authorities (such as HMRC), to comply with our legal obligations.  

  • Investors and acquirers and their advisors in the event of a proposed sale, merger or similar corporate activity.  

  • Law enforcement organisations where required by law or where we deem it necessary.  

  • To the extent necessary for the exercise or defence of legal claims.  

How we keep your personal data safe 

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. Please be aware, however, that it is not possible to guarantee the security of your information.  

International transfers 

If we transfer your personal data outside of the UK, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it – specifically, unless an exemption applies, we will only transfer your personal data to countries which have an adequacy decision from the UK’s data protection regulator (such as the EU territories) or, if this is not applicable, we will put in place appropriate contractual clauses to ensure your personal data is processed securely and in accordance with your rights.  We will also transfer personal data outside the UK to the extent necessary for performing any contracts with you. Please contact us if you would like further information.  

How long we keep your personal data for 

We retain information for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we obtained the information and consistent with applicable data protection laws.  We will hold onto personal data during our relationship and for a reasonable period after that. When determining the relevant retention periods, we take into account factors including contractual obligations and rights in relation to the information involved ; the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data; the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means; legal obligations under applicable law to retain data for a certain period of time (such as tax and accounting requirements); statute of limitations under applicable laws; (potential) disputes; and guidelines issued by relevant data protection authorities.  

If you apply for a job with Archery Pictures and are unsuccessful, personal data will be held for a period of 12 months or longer if you request this.   



We use cookies and similar technologies on our website. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your personal computer, mobile or other device when you visit a website. We may gather information about users through cookie technology on an individual and aggregate level. This includes technical data about your device, such as IP address, browser details and device type, and information on how our users interact with our website, such as length of visit, clicks, page response times and download errors. We need your consent to set any non-essential cookies, which we will ask for when you first visit our website. You can amend your cookie preferences at any time by [clicking on the “Cookies” tab on our website.] 

You can learn more about cookies and how to delete them from your device here.  

The cookies used on our websites are either session cookies (which expire at the end of your browsing session) or persistent cookies (which are stored on your device between browsing sessions, for the period of time indicated in the table below). 

Our website uses the following types of cookies: 

Essential cookies  

Our website will not work properly without essential cookies.  We use cookies for security purposes to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) for the duration of your session. 


Analytics cookies 

We use analytics cookies to learn about how people use our website.  For example, which pages users visit most often and how users engage with the website’s features.  We do so where you have provided us with your consent.  

Specifically, our website uses the following analytics cookies: 

Cookie id Vendor Purpose Duration
ss_cvr Squarespace Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site 24 months
ss_cvt Squarespace Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site 30 minutes


Your rights 

Under data protection law, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data: 

  • To request access to your personal data. 

  • To request correction of your personal data. 

  • To request erasure of your personal data. 

  • To object to processing of your personal data. 

  • To request restriction of processing your personal data. 

  • To request transfer of your personal data. 

  • To withdraw consent in circumstances where we ask for your consent for a particular use of personal data. 

How to contact us 

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above or have any questions, please contact us using the contact us page of our website. Please note that your rights are not absolute and there may be circumstances where we are unable to comply with all or a part of your request.    

If you are unsatisfied with our response to any data protection issues you raise with us, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, although we ask that you try and settle any issues with us in the first instance.   

Last updated: August 2024